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Datasourceform a javascript datadriven development UI library


##Javascript Datasource## Javascript datasource is used to supply data to various data driven components. Repo

Datasource is composed of two parts.

  • SchemaReader - used to convert any form of input data (CSV, JSON, ARRAY) to javascript array optionally capture some extra met data alsso.
  • Datasource - Supports Pager, filter, sorter, save , update operations are supported on javascript array provided or read by SchemaReader. This can also handle remote as well as local data using separate fetch url, update url, delete url.
  • Observable data - This is totally unrelated to datasource functionality of datasource, but this works well in conjunction with existing components that use datasource so it can be updated on datasource refresh events.

Demo page: demo ###Additional Components### There is a component where dynamic forms can be created only on the basis of model. Other data driven component which can accept datasource are autocomplete, grids, combobox. This datasource is basically jquery dataview which is the still unreleased version of jquery-ui grid. Only SchemaReader is is integrted to create a standalone component with rich features that can be used completely by json configuration without writing any javascritp code.

##SchemaReader## This returns simple array or object based on configuration. This is similar to YUI schema reader.

The optiosn accepted are :

 options = {
  			rootList: "data",
				meta: "",
				datatype: "json",
				items: [],
				resultFields: null//[{name: "name",  mapping: "name" /*can be xpath,json path
				                  // or javascript function*/}, {name: "email"}]
				csvFieldSep : ",",
				csvRecordSep: "\r\n",
				csvFieldDelimiter: '"'

The [options] needs to be filled with details specified above [data] - can be array or object with one of the property can be array. This property can be specified as rootList

reader = new SchemaReader([options]);	
var res1 =[data]); //result array/object

//Once schemareader object is created its options can be overridden by
reader.options.resultFields = ['name','email'];
var res2 =;

datatype - can be json,csv resultFields - Data transformation is done based on this parameter for JSON. There is data property mapping as well as data property filtering.

###The following are three types for JSON reader.###

  • Type 1. [{name: "name", mapping: "full_name" }, {name: "email", mapping: "email_id"}]
reader = new SchemaReader({resultFields: [{name: "name",  mapping: "full_name" },
                                         {name: "email", mapping: "email_id"}]});[data]); // -> transformed result
If the [data] input is 
  full_name: "samarjit",
  email_id: "samarjit@email",
  extra: "extra value"
 full_name: "tutu",
 email_id: "tutu@email",
 extra: "extra value2"

After data is read by SchemaReader it will be transformed to
  name: "samarjit",
  email: "samarjit@email"
  name: "tutu",
  email: "tutu@email"
  • Type 2. ["name","email"]. This will be internally treated as [{name: "name", mapping: "name" }, {name: "email", mapping: "email"}]
reader.options.resultFields = ['name','email']; 
var res2 =[data]);
If the data input is 
  name: "samarjit",
  email: "samarjit@email",
  extra: "extra value"
 name: "tutu",
 email: "tutu@email",
 extra: "extra value2"

After data is read by SchemaReader it will be transformed to
  name: "samarjit",
  email: "samarjit@email"
  name: "tutu",
  email: "tutu@email"
  • Type 3 input data which is not an array * Data presented in the form of object and if any property of that object is an array that array can also be extracted. Addition to this metadata can be also extracted

The rootList option is used to extract this array. Internally it uses jsonPath to extact the data

var data7 = {
			meta1: 'This is meta1',
			myarr: [{
			  full_name: "samarjit",
			  email: "samarjit@email",
			  extra: "extra value"
			 full_name: "tutu",
			 email: "tutu@email",
			 extra: "extra value2"
reader.options.resultFields = [{ name: 'name', mapping: 'full_name'}, {name:'email'}];
reader.options.rootList = "myarr";
reader.options.datatype="json";; ==> [{"name":"samarjit","email":"samarjit@email"},

###CSV reader### The csv data can be specified as a combination of fields seperators and record separators.

The default comma seperated values with record separator

csvFieldSep : ",",
csvRecordSep: "\r\n",  //it will handle line ending with either \r or ]n also
csvFieldDelimiter: '"'

Suppose input data is

120, samarjit, sam@email
121, tutu, tutu@email

And resultFields is [{ name: "id", mapping: 0} , {name: "name", mapping: 1}, {name: "email", mapping: 2}]

var reader1 = new SchemaReader();
reader1.options.resultFields = [{ name: "id", mapping: 0} , {name: "name", mapping: 1}, {name: "email", mapping: 2}];

var res4 =;

Then the result data would be like.

  id: 120,
  name: "samarjit",
  email: "samarjit@email"
  id: 121,
  name: "tutu",
  email: "tutu@email"

Alternate CSV syntax for any general text file syntax For data

var data5 = "sam#sgp#2011!tutu#ind#2012";

reader.options.resultFields = [{name:"name",mapping: 0}, {name: "year",mapping:2}];
reader.options.csvfieldSep = "#";
reader.options.csvRecordSep = "!";
var res5 =;

res5 =>

TODO: Although I have not yet written a wrapper for XML a similar wrapper can be written for XML also, where mappign will be xpath.

Another feature is meta tags for getting the paging, limit, offset, filter criterion, sort id and sort order of data apart form the Array data.

 data = [{
			name: "sam",
			email: "sam@email"
	 model = [ {name: "name", type: "string", capturetype: "text", displaytype: "displayText", label: "Name", searchable: true, isPartOfKey: true, convertToModel: null /*view to model*/, convertToView: null /*model to view*/ 	},
			   {name: "email", type: "string", capturetype: "email", displaytype: "displayText", label: "Email", searchable: true, isPartOfKey: true, convertToModel: null /*view to model*/, convertToView: null /*model to view*/ 	},
	 var datasource = $.uix.datasource({reader: new SchemaReader(), model: model ,rawdata: data, paging:{limit: 1} });
	datasource.options.input ->  is data as defined above
	datasource.refresh(); //initialize datasource mechanism
	datasource.result -> internal object to be used by widgets that uses datasource